Interaction Designer
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Generative Sketchbook

Generative Sketchbook (

A lot of the visual coding I do for work happens in openFrameworks, Unreal Engine, or JavaScript, but there are also many other creative frameworks out there, so it’s important for me in my role as a designer to keep up in adding more tools to my skillset where I can. Here, I’m keeping logs of my TouchDesigner and GLSL studies in a sketchbook of generative and procedural art. If you’re interested in following along, check out my semi-daily sketches

*All of the audio-reactive pieces are noted with a 🔊 in the title (try starting the first one manually if it doesn’t autoplay). Also, sometimes people’s browsers or Internet connections don’t like how many videos I have playing at the same time on this page. If you have trouble getting the videos to play at HD quality, you can alternatively view any of these videos individually or as a playlist on YouTube.

Apologies, I’m currently reworking my website, and in the process, all of my video embeds have broken! 🙃

While I fix this page up, please visit my YouTube playlist to see all the content in crisp HD playback: [LINK]